Membership in the Medford Chamber of Commerce offers significant opportunities to gain marketing exposure and place your business messages before the area’s business, government, and community leaders. Benefits are as follows:
Investment in local community
- An opportunity to support the city from which you derive your livelihood.
Advertising, networking and exposure
- Business listing on the Chamber’s website
- Participation in multi-chamber events & networking opportunities
- Monthly breakfast/luncheons with guest speakers
- Referrals from the chamber when we receive business inquiries
- Member to member discounts
- One email blast advertisement per event
- One member spotlight article
- Members can purchase advertising space on our website and/or newsletter
- Member news will be promoted via Facebook, Twitter, Email and on the website
- Our full mailing list is available to any member, in good standing, at no cost. The file will be emailed in an excel format. Mailing labels can be printed for a minimal cost of $20.00
Monthly calendar and newsletters
- Keeping you up-to-date and informed on activities, events going on in the city and advice for small businesses
Social Events
- Promoting business relationships and camaraderie throughout the the City of Medford is of key importance to the Chamber. We sponsor an Annual Banquet, Citizen & Business of the Year Award, Business Trick-or-Treating at Halloween, Health and Wellness Expo, Green Awards, and a beautiful display of holiday lights in conjunction with Medford Vocational School students. We also participate in many community events throughout the City. Sponsorhip and/or hosting an event is a great way to promote your business
Group Insurance rates
- Group discount rates available for Chamber members through Bates Insurance Agency. the Chamber is also a member of the Chamber Coop from the Massachusetts Association of Chambers of Commerce, which provides discounted rates for small businesses.
Community activism
- The chamber serves as a liason between members and City Hall. Through our Government Affairs Committee, the chamber is an advocate for Medford businesses and they communicate and resolve issues that affect businesses. We work to promote, preserve and protect commerce within the City of Medford.